The mind of the Jew and the Greek

July 28, 2021 - 30:08 | Ep. 31
July 28, 2021 - 30:08 | Ep. 31
In an online seminar Dr. Yeshaya Gruber, Dr. Nicholas Schaser, Dr. Eli Lizorken-Eisenburg, and Pinchas Shir discuss the ways Greeks thought in a completely different manner than the Jews. But the Jewish people wanted and needed to interact with and be relevant to the Greek world. How do we begin to see these differences, and how does Paul address them in his address to the Greek at Areopagus (Acts 17)?

Episode Notes

This conversation comes from a small part of the course titled Jews and Greeks on Life and the Afterlife. You can enroll HERE and learn more about their respective concepts of origin, afterlife, and resurrection.

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