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"Israel Bible Center have really changed my perspective of the scripture and has given me tremendous insight into Jewish cultural background"
Jana Jones - Boston, MAYou’re in good company!
Explore Jewish Studies for Christians alongside passionate students worldwide. Guided by esteemed Scholars and Authors, discover transformative biblical insights together
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What our students have to say!

"How very interesting! There is so much to learn. You explain things so clearly. Thank you"

"INCREDIBLE Study! Thank you again! Blessings to Dr. Korner for his sharing this profound work with us and to everyone at Israel Bible Center for inviting him"

"I feel like I’ve been born again. Receiving new insights... It is clearly history repeating itself! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to study again!"

"Following your teachings in this course makes me realize how blind I seem to have been in the interpretation of the Scriptures. Thank you deeply from my heart!"

"Understanding is really being brought to light through your teachings. This is my first course and I’m elated at the growth I know will take place from understanding the culture and meaning of the original text"

"I just began and am excited. I’ve been wanting to go deeper, and this is a great way! And to read in Hebrew – never thought I would..."

"Thank you, Dr. Korner, for an excellent class! I have never heard this perspective on Revelation before, and it makes perfect sense!"

"I am a student of IBC for almost a year now. I truly enjoy all the lessons especially the ones you are teaching Prof. Shir. Todah Rabbah! "