The Spirit in the Hebrew Bible

January 12, 2022 - 21:40 | Ep. 54
January 12, 2022 - 21:40 | Ep. 54
What is "ruah" in the Hebrew Bible? The word is translated as "spirit" and sometimes as "wind." This week's episode is a tiny sliver of the Roundtable Talk conversation called Spirit and Man in Ancient Judaism. Our guest is Dr. Jack Levison, who is a Hebrew Bible professor at Southern Methodist University. He addresses the significance of the Spirit in the Hebrew Bible using Numbers 11 as a test case.

Episode Notes

Find out more about Dr. Jack Levison HERE
This conversation focuses primarily on Dr. Levison’s book A Boundless God: The Spirit According to the Old Testament.
You can listen HERE to the whole RTT called Spirit and Man in Ancient Judaism.
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